
Looking for a lunch date in mid-June

This is experimental. The producers of the Blue Ball Skeptics would like to go out for lunch on June 20th. And for the first time, we are going to try a bat signal: putting a call out on our blog. We only know of one other blogger who has tried doing that, but his experiment results are not in yet. So we are just going to do it and see what happens. If you know anyone who might have an interest in going out for lunch with us, please let them know. If you might have an interest, read on.

  • We should start by getting everyone up to speed. We are polyamicus and omnivorous. We have many friends and we eat basically anything. We go out to lunch at least twice a week with dozens of different people, including vegans, vegetarians, and carnivores.
  • In person we are very frank and open about our tastes, wishes and feelings, and prefer people be that way with us, but only if they aren’t actively chewing their food.
  • We travel North America a fair bit. Particularly old Route 66, but we range far and wide in our adventures.

The rest you can find out by googling Damion or Chas (along with your preferred keywords). We’re around 500 on the scoville scale. Not heavy into spice, but get along well with people who are. We have an unusual quirk or two but don’t expect any of our lunchmates to share them (e.g. Chas recently won a charity taco-burger eating contest, but he does not expect that sort of performance from anyone else). We enjoy lunchmates who love to boast of their own lunchtime exploits, especially over beer or soda or what-have-you. We are not going to get all angsty over how high your calorie count is. Indeed, that may well have much the opposite effect.

Okay. If all that hasn’t scared you away, read on. Otherwise, #BBSIPNFY.

What you see is what you get

This June 20th we’ll be spending some time in Tulsa, because FreeOK will be held there this year. There is a hole in our schedule smack in the middle of the day on account of human physiology, and we’re looking for someone to go on a lunch date with right then. Within that window we are flexible, but we don’t want to range too far out of the downtown area.

We can probably only fit around half a dozen lunchmates at our table. We’re likely to say yes to anyone who sparks our interest as an amicable conversationalist, but that’s too subjective and idiosyncratic to predict or define. If you want to inquire, please message us on Facebook, or Twitter, or just leave a comment here on the blog. Just remember, it’s an unfair advantage you knowing a lot about us and what we look like, so please do remedy that information disparity, at least a little, first thing. We would very much appreciate it.

Okay. Bat signal engaged!

Now it only remains to see what happens.


2 thoughts on “Looking for a lunch date in mid-June

  1. Mysteriously Skinny says:

    I have some free time available, but I am not into FIM (Food in Mouth) eating. I was assigned FIM at birth, but later came to understand that FIM perpetuates grape eating. Would you be interested in a butt chugging meal?

  2. Ian says:

    Seems pretty arogant to act like people should rush to have lunch with you two because of your “bat signal” in Oklahoma. I guess the irritating thing is that you are making a big deal about 5 or 10 people letting you buy them lunch on a nationwide scale in social media. If you want to buy lunch for people here in Wisconsin, come on up, ill rent the spotlight and a sheet steel bat……….

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